CHRIST THE KING EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Palatine, IL THOMAS J. SCHULTZ: Mail-Order Brides: Gilded Prostitution, Global Sexual Exploitation and a Form of

CHRIST THE KING EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Palatine, IL THOMAS J. SCHULTZ: Mail-Order Brides: Gilded Prostitution, Global Sexual Exploitation and a Form of

CHRIST THE KING EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Palatine, IL THOMAS J. SCHULTZ: Mail-Order Brides: Gilded Prostitution, Global Sexual Exploitation and a Form of

A STORY OF THE SCHULTZ FAMILY AND MAIL-ORDER BRIDE: Mail-Order Brides: Gilded Prostitution, Global Sexual Exploitation and a Form of Human Trafficking.

Shouldn’t a Pastor have a higher moral standard and avoid buying a mail-order bride to stop sex and labor abuse?

The photo depicts Mrs. Schultz adorning a bright smile. Her husband by her side appears to be a genuinely friendly person. Mr. Schultz is a pastor and, together with his wife, runs a pre-school attached to the church, taking care of young children. Everything seems picture-perfect: a gentle husband and a happy wife building a loving pre-school. However, a deeper look into their backgrounds reveals that things aren’t quite lovely as they seem.

Mrs. Schultz, whose full name is Jennifer Trinidad Gan Schultz, comes from the Philippines. It may surprise you to learn that she is a “mail-order bride” — a woman who Pastor Schultz bought from the Philippines for less than $10,000. There is a substantial age difference between the two. Most likely, she’s even younger than his daughter, which has caused a gap and left Mr. Schultz’s family disgusted with him.

Mr. Schultz’s position as a pastor allows him to access the fund from Church members’ donations and pre-school kids’ school tuition to buy a mail-order bride. However, Americans can legally purchase brides from countries such as the Philippines as long as they have enough money. Moreover, due to loopholes in the current immigration law system, buyers have a two-year “warranty period” during which the bride can be returned if she does not meet her “husband’s” requirements. You may be wondering what these requirements entail, and in a nutshell, the bride is required to entertain all of the buyer’s requests, including but not limited to sex and labor services. So the term “bride” can be a misnomer of sorts; “slave” would be a more accurate definition.

And yes, this is ongoing in the modern United States — a nation that has advocated human rights and independence since its inception. Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this heinous and disgusting behavior is its existence among pastors whose lives are supposed to be dedicated to spreading love.


Why does the mail-order bride industry exist?


Although slavery was abolished after the War of Independence, arrogance still firmly holds its roots in some white Americans’ psyche: those not white should not be considered equals; they should be obedient, engage in basic labor, and serve their superiors. Unfortunately, societal progress has not yet seen the eradication of discrimination and oppression; instead, they have been hiding like tumors. As a result, the true meaning of equality in human rights continues to erode in all corners of society.


Inequality in societal development is prevalent, visible, and taken advantage of. As a dominant world power, the United States leads the world economically, militarily, and technologically, while some countries, such as the Philippines, are severely behind in all these aspects, especially in remote rural areas. This economic underdevelopment results in simple-minded outlooks. So naturally, people from these countries tend to view Caucasians from America as a symbol of wealth and happiness.

If you mentioned to one of these impoverished girls that a gentleman from the United States saw her picture, liked it very much, and wanted to marry her, explaining that she would be granted American citizenship and enjoy all the benefits of a higher quality of life in the United States for the rest of her life, and if you then asked her whether she would like to go, how do you think she would respond? It’s reasonable to assume you’d be hard-pressed to find someone ready to let such an opportunity go.


Thus, a girl attracted by the many bright prospects of a good life comes to the United States and becomes the wife of a “Mr. America.” Mr. America, in exchange for a bit of money, receives a lifelong “wife” who will do his bidding, live according to his rules, and perform any act he wishes. After all, sex is no longer an illegal service in marriage but a responsibility. Do you want to let your kids play and study in a pre-school attached to such a church where a mail-order bride was purchased and exploited?

Additionally, the buyer and the seller have their own needs in this process, so intermediaries or facilitators naturally emerge for such transactions. For example, international marriage brokers and matchmaking organizations publish pictures of girls on their websites. Customers in need view them, contact the middleman, make the payment, and wait to have the girl delivered right into their hands. Then they proceed with the marriage formalities, contractually sealing the slavery transaction dubbed “marriage.”


As a result, an enslaved person who can provide just about any human service imaginable is bought in a way that perfectly circumvents the law. The girl is displayed like a commodity, traded, transported, and finally becomes the product of the mail-order bride industry.

What happens to the mail-order brides?


First, some mail-order brides have their prayers answered and receive a whole new life in America, but this is certainly a rare occurrence. The vast majority of them set foot on American soil and began to suffer horrific treatment after completing the marriage procedures. Various forms of abuse follow seemingly endlessly, with news reports covering numerous instances of these women being abused to death.


Do they want to escape? This is a natural human instinct. But can they run? This question brings us to the darkest aspect of the entire mail-order bride chain. In the buyer’s mind, these girls are commodities, not people. After all, they paid for a product, and the product must satisfy their needs. But what happens to these girls if they do not meet these requirements? First, they are brainwashed into accepting their husbands as saviors who rescued them from poverty and hardship, implying eternal gratitude and subservience to express that gratitude. If the girls resist further, they will be threatened with status deprivation, i.e., the buyer will choose divorce, which will most likely result in the girls being sent back to their poor hometowns.


The damage doesn’t end there, however. Their hometowns often have outdated thinking and perceive these women as unacceptable “abandoned” women. Forced by indoctrination, distorted thoughts, and coercion, the girls can only obey and endure abuse.


Doesn’t America, by law, care about these girls?


Some acts have been introduced, including the Victims of Trafficking Reauthorization Act and the International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And institutions that provide humanitarian assistance to abused immigrants do exist, but morality and the devil are on equal footing in this regard. Buyers can use their ideological indoctrination methods to make these mail-order brides voluntarily accept all their experiences or even twist their minds to make them grateful for being abused.

Build a beautiful pre-school? What a joke!


If a pre-school has been established by a pastor who purchased a mail-order bride, as a parent, can you safely leave your child under their care?

What kind of ideas would such a pastor transmit to innocent children? Or worse, what unimaginable behavior could he inflict upon the children?

How will such an influence warp a child’s understanding of love, care, and gratitude?

Are parents willing to take this risk?

Are parents capable of coping with the potential outcomes?

Please think it through carefully!

  1. Mail Fantasy: Global Sexual Exploitation in the Mail-Order Bride

Industry and Proposed Legal Solutions: Mail-Order Brides and Virgin Catalog

Click to access fulltext.pdf

  1. Mail-Order Brides — A Form of Human Trafficking?

3. In the Name of “Love”: Mail Order Brides-The

Dangerous Legitimization of Sex, Human and Labor Trafficking

  1. Mail-Order Brides: Gilded Prostitution and the Legal Response

Click to access 232709044.pdf

  1. Christ the King Ev. Lutheran Church: Pastor Thomas J. Schultz

Address: 100 W. Michigan Ave, Palatine, IL 60067 (650 S Brockway St, Palatine, IL 60067)


Phone Number: 847–358–0230 Email: [email protected]

  1. Human Trafficking: Mail Order Bride Abuses

Click to access JacksonTestimony040713.pdf

7. Philippines Mail Order Brides — Fresh Guide On Filipino Oversea Wives

  1. Find a Filipino Wife — Mail Order Brides › filipino-bridesAverage cost of Filipino bride: $1,500 — $10…Average age of Filipino bride: 28 y.oPopular filipino cities with brides: Quezon City, Manila, Davao City, Caloocan, Zamboanga

Divorce rate: 35%

  1. All of the best Mail Order Bride sites for finding Russian, Asian, and Latin brides
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