Architecture With Maritime Containers: Container Houses

Container Houses

Container Houses

Container houses or rather, that architecture with metal containers is on the rise. In times of crisis risky proposals, is what an architect friend who is designing an isolated single-family home based on maritime container modules told me. A relatively cheap and fast way of building that has been tested for many years in different countries, so the container house can be a very valid option.

It is curious that in Northern European countries with more extreme climates, the construction of folding container house are used as a valid option and in a country like Spain with a more temperate climate; the use of containers is rejected, possibly due to the rootedness of the brick culture. 

Own, although we must recognize that in the face of the crisis, houses with containers are becoming a possibility that many clients would previously directly reject and that today the alternative is gaining strength.

We have to understand that containers have been designed to store and transport goods over long distances, and in a sealed, economical and safe way. However, there is a curious coincidence that the spaces that have been designed to store and transport goods have an adequate human scale. That is, they are valid for designing living spaces.

What material are the containers made of?

Mainly the materials of the maritime containers are made of corrugated steel, although many are made of other materials such as aluminum and plywood, which in turn can be reinforced with fiberglass.

What dimensions does a container have and how much does it cost

In a generic way, the standard dimensions and characteristics of the container are:

If you want to check more dimensions of the containers you can access here. It should be noted that there are many dimensions and types, but if we look for the generic ones, the cost is cheaper.

With reference to the cost of the containers, there are many suppliers, from what I have been able to verify, we must always take into account the transport that is usually around; Transport 200 km without unloading: €480 / truck (1×40′ or 2×20′). If they leave it in the garden of our house, the total cost will be around €700. As an example and to have a general perspective of the prices of a container, it would be… What would be the construction value of a container house?

What should we take into account when buying a container for an architecture project?

We already know that it is difficult for us to bring it, now we should look at which container we are interested in for our container houses. First of all, verify the regulations on containers that affect us according to municipal ordinances. Initially, this type of “dry” construction is not covered in detail in the regulations, although it does provide guidelines regarding compliance with general concepts of structure, thermal and acoustic insulation, etc. applicable to any type of construction and use.

We must consider that the foldable container house going to be treated to adapt them to the required requirements, lighting, ventilation, insulation, reinforcement…etc.

Plans to build a container house

Due to the dimensions of the modules, in many cases we have to adapt to them for the distribution of the different rooms of the house; bathroom, bedrooms, dining room – living room…etc. Prefab-house provide some distribution plans as an example of design. 

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