Use Of Technology In Different Fields Of Our Life



The world has become too advanced due to the development in technology. It plays a  main role in all 

fields of our life. We can’t even imagine our life without technology in the present time. It makes our 

work easy and simple. We can do a lot of work in less time very easily. It can help us in many other fields 

like communication For mobility, and in our educational system a lot. Every field is become simple and 

easy due to the advancement in technology. We use technology for the betterment of mankind and our 


Technology helps us a lot in all the fields of our life. In schools with the help of the latest technology, we

are able to get more information and get more knowledge about our subject. In hospitals who use

technology to store all the data about the patients and the staff and also to store information about

the new medicines and the equipment. In industries, we use technology to reduce the time and the

costing rate of products for the betterment of mankind. In this way, It helps us a lot in all the fields of 

our life to make our life simple and easy. Following are the uses of technology in different

fields of our life.

In Hospitals

High tech is used in hospitals to do very difficult and long tasks. By using it, we can manage a lot of

data in just a minute and hours that can take days and also months in the past. It is very easy now, with 

the help of technology, to store the data of a lot of patients and a lot of staff in different software. In 

this way, it saves a lot of time.The data about the new medicines and the treatment of all diseases are 

stored in software by using

technology. Many new types of equipment and machines are also introduced bu using this we can fight 

with deadly diseases and save the life of our people.

In industries

In industries, technology plays an important role in the growth and progress of the country. We can

do a lot of work, which takes days and months in the past, in very little time. Due to this reason, it saves

a lot of time for the workers, and they are able to do work more properly snd easily. It also helps to 

reduce the costing rate of different things, and as a result, the things become cheaperand easily 

available. The things are prepared in large quantities in less time, so they are cheaper andavailable at 

lower rates.

In school

Schools are one of the important places that play a vital role in the development and betterment of

society. By using the latest technology, students are able to get a lot of information on the internet from

different websites. Due to this reason, technology makes easy access to more knowledge. It has 

improved both the way of learning and also teaching that, helps a lot in the success and development of 

a society.

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